School, LTFRB, Pia, Jesus And More...

Many things I learned today, few things I will do.

I've learned that it's really cool to do people shopping when you've got nothing to think of or at least trying to divert your mind from something you're sick of racking your brain to.

But I can't do that anymore. It's bad. Do I have to explain its badness?

I've learned that sometimes it's okay to be late in class just as long as you'll have good test results. And note-writing ability.

But I can't do that anymore. I chose not to. I cannot tolerate my being late at school. It's not cool and I don't want to disappoint my parents who, in their selfless will, trying their very best to wake up early, prepare stuff for a hassle-free day for me, and the whole family. Their effort of going to work as early as they could so they'll have job and paycheck and so my tuition and baon. Wow. And I  thought of that just now?

I've learned today that it's just okay to spend your 5-hour class doing nothing. And just doodling and sleeping and wishing to be somewhere else.

But it's not cool. And I've done it today. So I have another loads of plates over the weekend. ( Sigh )

I've learned today to visit a friend, and do something sensible. Something that will last not just for a night but till its effect is no longer felt over his/her life. Prayer. No, let me correct the thought. Praying with her.

It was so far my most fulfilling visit to a close friend. And thought that I should do that more often.

I've learned that it's now okay to treat people who smoke in public vehicles with contempt 'cause it's an LTFRB Memorandum now, anyway. 

Well, so much for the mocking... Let's just do otherwise. 'Cause it's really not so good to smoke and I can't not tell them smokers! Rarr.

I've learned today what did Jesus do when He was hanged at the Cross of Calvary with the two sinners. ( **Now I don't want you to skip this part 'cause I tell you, THIS IS the best part and the reason why you're in this site. )

So, from the 7th floor of FEU down to the busy streets of Manila, up to the Calvary we go.

So what's up with the three crosses? Why it is relevant in our lives today?

This afternoon I've found out why. And it struck my heart the deepest. 

The cross. Jesus, the mocked "King of the Jews". The two criminals. Jesus being at the center. All of it. Is a gift of God. Let me emphasize it. It is one of God's greatest gifts. 

The gift of Choice.
Most of us knew that both criminals mocked Jesus. But what makes them different, what made the other criminal saved is what he did on the latter. The other criminal changed. And so the famous word of Jesus has been said: "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." ( Luke 23:43 )

So, what have I learned from this? Aside from being profound in this blog. 

I've been battling with myself lately. I do things I really don't want to do. Stubbornness running high. I just want the things I want. I do things I want. I get angry when I'm not able to do so. Furious when I can't have what I wanted. God's been speaking to me. Telling me of the things I should do. You know, the do's and don't's. I know for a fact that what He wanted for my life is wayyyy much better than what I want. And I'm not helping me. 

I felt suffocated by all of His commands! But the truth is, what's happening was I'm being overridden by my flesh. Oh, she must've gotten bigger as I keep on feeding her.

Then I was led by God to read my Max Lucado book. And read this part. It was actually the second time I'm able to read this but my eyes was opened just now. God's perfect timing. Never fails.

God then told me, "I will let you choose." With this familiar hoarseness in my throat, I keep on asking God if, for once, I could still raise my petition to Him. The petition of my wants. Then God just keep on telling me the same thing all over. I will let you choose... I will let you choose... I will let you choose...

I gave up my cry for selfish desires.

Just as I cannot give up His greatest gift of salvation so is this one for me. I know in myself that I have to choose. I cannot let God choose for me. Whatever happened to free will? 

I have to decide. I have to end our discussion. I have to end my frustrations. No one's gonna do it but me. I have to choose.

I wasn't happy with what I've chosen. It's not really what I've earnestly been wanting. But I'm more than sure that it's the best thing. 

So I thought:
Sometimes I ask God to let me get a taste of everlasting joy in heaven. But then I realize, it's too much to ask... and surely, too much to bear.
And for the last time, let me quote Mr. Lucado from his book He Chose The Nails: 
           How could two men see the same Jesus and one choose to mock him and the other choose to pray to him? I don't know, but they did.
           And when one prayed, Jesus loved him enough to save him. And when the other mocked, Jesus loved him enough to let him.
           He allowed him the choice.
           He does the same for you.
And so I have chosen...

What choices have you made today? Just as what He did to me and a thousand sinners more, He will definitely do the same for you.


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