Kids This Day & The Internet --& The Freedom Their Parents Know Nothing About
Let me put it so simply. Simply Because.

I wonder why "kids" today would use the internet for stupid purposes. And by "kids" I meant those whose age range from 12 up to the age they aren't so responsible enough with their lives... and the internet.
Until this moment my patience still lingers to an account of some kid's account. And it's gonna burst any time this moment. It says there in her blog. ( I'm really making this very vague to prevent any assumptions of whom I'm throwing the stone to and eventually make ahater-post of me... Really. ) So here's the statement that has gotten on my nerve:
i own my life and you own yours so dont **** with mine !
Why? Why??
Why is she in the social-networking site?? And why the use of such word?? Does that make it any more cooler?? Do you get reputation through cussing? If that so, well, people in the hierarchy must use it. But thank God it isn't. How much worse can happen to the humanity?
"Kids" this day. They are fighting for "freedom" they call it. But what exactly that "freedom" is? Could they define? Is it a tattoo on the back? A pierce on the navel? A boyfriend/girlfriend in one's room?
If that's freedom then let there be a petition for all kids who wants "freedom" to go to juvy. Not one can be granted a bail. ( No, actually this is out of anger. You could just forget this one though. )
Sex. Drugs. The F word. The B word ( that you wanna call yourself & that of which is written on your shirt ) Depression. ( YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU'RE SAYING. YOU DO NOT KNOW DEPRESSION. ) Suicide. ( Then why are you still here??? Want me to help you??? ) Posting something from the conversation that you and your mom had.
You think you know it all. Parents, they "misunderstood" you. Parents and their agedknowledge, they know no better.
If they don't know better, why don't you show everything to them then?
If that "freedom" you fight for will make you even better then why do you still cry for something? Why is your heart still aching from a break-up? And why are you still breaking-up? I thought that person's your life?
If everything's okay then why do you have to hide? Why do you plea for the legalization of Marijuana and then can't use it in public? And if you can, then why do you run from authority?
You say it makes no harm to your studies. But until when?
Until when is birth-control effective? Until when is your partner be with you? Until when he'll not be attracted to another? He's found you after the other before, anyway. He is committed, but until when would he keep the relationship? Until when do your parents will not know what youdo?
There are so many hidden things. And until you get that freedom, there'll be more of those hidden things. It will pull you down. It's gonna be a cold, thick chains wrapped around your neck, your wrist, your ankle... It's gonna imprison you. And in prison, yes, there is more of you and what you would be needing, but deprived of what you be wanting. There is no life in prison. Only existence.
22 An evil man is held captive by his own sins;
they are ropes that catch and hold him.
23 He will die for lack of self-control;
he will be lost because of his great foolishness.
Proverbs 5:22-23
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