From Joshua Harris, Yes That Man Who Wrote 'I Kissed Dating Goodbye'

People have this reaction whenever I share about Joshua Harris' books and blog posts.

He's not always into the aspect of Christian's purity, morality, love, dating, courtship and marriage, you know. But for some time I also found myself pleasing me whenever I read his books.

I first believed that he is more than the author of I Kissed Dating Goodbye when I discover his blog site. Which leads me to buying his other books. Which made me bookmark his site.

Which made me share his post about Abiding and the Scripture you and I both familiar with, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. -John 15:5

Which goes like this:

Here's the truth: you and I know how to abide. When there's someone in our life that we know we can't live without, we know how to stay close to them. We talk to them. We listen to them. We don't go on long vacations away from them. We remember to call. We do the things that please them. We give up other things and relationships to prioritize them.

That's what Jesus tells us to do this in John 15. If you want to abide in Jesus, listen to his words. Read his Bible. Let his words live in you. Let his words and his gospel shape your thinking. Talk to him. Pray. Seek to love what he loves. Ask him to do the things that he loves. Abide in his love by keeping his commandments. Obey him even when it's costly.

Abiding isn't complicated. The secret to abiding is simply being desperate for Jesus. The secret to abiding is believing that apart from Jesus you can do nothing. (read more...)
(I just have to make the last 2 paragraph's font bolder for emphasis. IT HAS TO BE EMPHASIZED.)

Bottomline? Most of the time we come to a point that we only want to hear what we wanna hear, feel what we wanna feel and magnify ourselves. Yet we say that we "are" Christians, and we read Christian books and listen to Pastors and Christian authors and what have you.

Or is it just me?

I pray that through this, God will speak to you. I pray that just how we are with our loved ones... it would be even greater when we abide in Jesus. That just how we like the feeling of loving people, we'd feel even more in loving God. That we'll grow as a branch that bears much fruit. Christians pleasing to God. Amen.

God bless you!


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