Let there be Peace... Kill the Wicked.

It was a wonderful day. I should have expect more knowing that my God can give it all. 

And this is the chosen song to end my day today.


Here I am, humbled by your majesty,
Covered by your grace so free.
Here I am, knowing I'm a sinful man,
Covered by the blood of the lamb.

Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrifice.

Majesty Majesty
Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed but alive in Your hands
We sing
Majesty Majesty
Forever I am changed by Your love
In the beauty of Your Majesty

Here I am humbled by the love that You give,
Forgiven so that I can forgive.
So here I stand,
Knowing that I am Your desire,
Sanctified by glory and fire.
And now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrife.

Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.

The rhythm and lyrics are great. Delirious? is indeed an anointed band. But the thought of God's love... It's more than the great things I could ever imagine in my entire life.

There's none that I could offer my God, my whole life is not even enough. But I'd most likely want to offer Him something. Something that's of worth, from my heart.

I pray I could sing this song to God with all of me. 

Empty. Broken. Helpless. Incomplete. Me. Humbled before the Lord. In the presence of His Majesty.


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