The Story of the Nativity and The Relativity

It was two months before I graduate from high school when I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. College applications, entrance examinations, trendy clothes, hair colors, lovers and friends, and teenage angst were the things this college novice have in mind. Together with the incredulous plans I have in my life. As if those things seem to be easy putting into its rightful place. Things I have for my self in which probably what Jesus have seen when He came knocking at the door of my heart which I have humbly opened on the month of February, 2008. image source: It could also be what Joseph have for his life when God knocked him off with a thought that his fiance was pregnant. He's got plans. To where the wedding will be held, who the guest will be; family, relatives, and a couple of friends maybe. To where they will raise t...